Home Digital Marketing 5 Tips for Successful E-commerce Website Development

5 Tips for Successful E-commerce Website Development

5 Tips for Successful E-commerce Website Development

Website development is one of the top concerns of an e-commerce merchant. It is the channel through which the world will view his store and so, it has to be a successful one. An e-commerce site is not like other types of websites. It requires extensive web development services from structure building and web design to database management and organization. Thus, it comes with its own challenges and obstacles.

Below are 5 tips, including some web development services, which will help you develop your e-commerce website into a successfully-running business. Follow them and take your online store to the next level with enhanced conversion rates and user experience!

  1. Implement SEO

Attracting customers is the first step in constructing a successful e-commerce website, and web development services, such as SEO, help in exactly that! Considering SEO at every step of the way will help your website catch top spots on search engines like Google. Websites that are SEO-optimized have higher engagement and ultimately, higher conversion rates.

Use keywords in product descriptions to increase online visibility and drive more traffic to your site. The website performance and speed can also make huge differences in rankings. According to research, 40% of the customers abandon the site if the page takes more than 3 seconds to load. This shows just how important user experience optimizations are.

Bonus tip: add social media links to your website to further boost the SEO ranking!

  • Focus on branding

The first impression matters! We all prefer to buy from established brands with presentable sites instead of some unidentified website. This is where branding comes in.

Begin by defining your brand: what it is and how it’s different. Then, present all this information through the designing!

Optimize your web design by focusing on designs that are professional yet scannable – basically, minimalist. Design them with an appropriate theme and make sure to highlight the business’s core values through it. Moreover, always add high-quality pictures and videos to maintain conversion rates.

Branding helps in building long-lasting connections with the audience and improves sales in the process. So, what are you waiting for? Get working and create a different and prominent presence through your branding!

  • Add comprehensive filters



Most website viewers only read 20% of the text on a web page. To gain audience engagement, it’s important to break up your content with filters and navigation menus. Move all  the information about your company to an ‘About Us’ page and categorize the hundreds of products with appropriate filters.

Web development services lead to organization and customer ease which in turn, impact the user experience. So while you’re putting up all your products, make sure to categorize them and incorporate numerous filters such as price, color, and size. Most customers come to the website with a certain product in mind and this will help ensure they find exactly what they’re looking for and eventually make a purchase.

  • Simple checkout

Nothing kills a sale more than complicated checkout pages. Complex checkouts can lead to high cart abandonment rates. This is why you should make the checkout process simple and straightforward so customers don’t back out and divert to your competitor’s page at the last moment.

Make the contact details as precise as possible and be direct about the costs and shipping charges. Avoid extensive and unnecessary questions. As soon as the transaction is completed, send the customers a confirmation email/message to ensure their trust.

Bonus tip: Enable guest checkout accounts so customers are not forced to spend additional time creating new accounts.

  • Make your website mobile-friendly



More than 50% of all websites are accessed from mobile phones. Web development services, such as mobile optimization, are more important now than ever and if your website is not mobile responsive yet, you’re missing out on many potential customers!

Employing an omni-channel approach can help your e-commerce website reach new horizons! It will help your site stand out from competitors and will ensure the customer can easily access the website on any device he chooses.

It has also been found that most search engines prefer mobile-friendly websites and thus, rank them higher in results. This goes back to our first tip, according to which, higher rankings equal to higher engagement and therefore, higher conversion rates.

Developing an e-commerce website can be complicated and challenging – but now that you know our top 5 tips, you can easily create a smooth shopping experience and skyrocket your sales!

Need additional guidance? Want to learn more about web development services and their implementation? Contact Gtech Ventures and leave it all to us to develop your online shop and turn it into a successful e-commerce website! We offer customized web development services in domains including backend and frontend technologies, mobile development, UI/UX design, and digital marketing. Our team of experienced professionals has brought immense success to e-commerce stores just like yours in the past!


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