Home Technology Which eCommerce Platform is Best for SEO?

Which eCommerce Platform is Best for SEO?


If you are considering opening an online shop, either as an exclusive venture or to complement your offline business model, choosing the best eCommerce platform should be one of the top items on your list. While many contributing factors can affect your decision, the importance of Search Engine Optimization makes it a key method in the business for success.

SEO is a perfect way to create traffic on your ECommerce website. Should also consider e commerce SEO services. It’s the most common digital marketing strategy to increase the number of visitors to your website.

Let’s talk about what is the e-commerce platform?

In Technology, the eCommerce platform is a software technology solution designed to create an online storefront. This framework can be made up of various programming languages such as PHP, Java, and modern technology stacks such as MEAN or MEARN.

The most important feature should have an e-commerce platform.

  • Payment integration options
  • Design and customization options
  • Security
  • Content management
  • Online documents and support
  • Updates and feature upgrades
  1. Woo commerce:

The usability of WordPress SEO plugins with WooCommerce makes it the best eCommerce platform available. It is an open-source CMS funded by a strong group of developers.

below is the list of some best SEO related plugins:

  •  Yoast SEO
  • MonsterInsights
  • All in one SEO pack
  • Google XML Sitemaps
  • W3 Total Cache
  • BZ Lazy Load

2. Magento:

Magento is the end of the professionally operated eCommerce platform.

It is the third most common and widely used eCommerce platform on the market. Backed by Adobe, it’s very agile and user-friendly.

Yeah, it’s an open-source, too. The group version is free of charge for all. Much like WordPress Magento, there is also a large group of developers and solution providers.

3. Shopify:

Shopify is a cloud-based hosted eCommerce application introduced to empower small and independent online stores. However, Shopify is now available for personalized eCommerce needs and wide online stores.

This is the second most successful eCommerce site. Rather than being a hosted solution, Shopify is popular because of its no limit selling functionality. It’s very inexpensive and comes with different pricing plans.

4. Bigcommerce:

Bigcommerce is another cloud-based managed solution available to both small and corporate online stores, much like Shopify.

It has built-in SEO features, and advanced SEO features are also very simple to implement. SEO documents and articles provided by BigCommerce will make it much easier for you to understand the implementation process.

5. OpenCart:

This is also a free and open-source eCommerce platform that can be downloaded and updated. Since it is free, there are almost no support options available. You would need to employ a skilled developer, or you should have some programming skills to update the codes for SEO at some point.

Ecommerce development services and ecommerce seo services go hand on hand. But choosing the best for your business all you have to do. Hope this article will give you a little closure.


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