Home Technology Why do I use WordPress to create my website ?

Why do I use WordPress to create my website ?


The must be known fact about WordPress is that it’s the biggest content management platform. However, it’s not enough of a big reason you ought to be using WordPress too.

Actually, some questions will cross your mind. Questions like… Why is WordPress so popular? Why do people prefer it so much? People have numerous options, but why is every fourth website created on WordPress? And most significant, is it ok to be your final choice? Okay, Let’s figure out…

#1. WordPress Is Free & Open Source

Don’t even know how to create a WordPress website. It is easy and fun. And It is open-source software – liberated to use, edit, and redistribute.

That’s why you’ll be able to easily find its original source codes publicly available. WordPress software is totally free and comes with unlimited validity.

All you need to download it from its official website. By the way, all hosting companies generally provide WordPress installation facilities.

Make sure to check it before you purchase hosting. You can also try the way to Install WordPress on Localhost. If you are happy then you can use it on your website.

#2. WordPress is Simple to Use

WordPress is growing fast and one in all the main reasons is it’s super easy. If you continue to feel hard to use. Follow up the questions and search on google and get the result no matter what you face.

Just a one-click installation and WP is prepared to be used. There are inbuilt facilities for blog publishing, user management, comments, RSS feeds, revisions, and far more.

Once installed, you’ll start creating and publishing blogs and pages, and making custom configurations with no coding.

#3. WordPress is simple To Customize

Yes, It’s possible to customize the colors, design, and even the features of a WordPress theme.

Doesn’t matter if you’re a developer or not. But Customizing your WordPress website through coding is not mandatory. Customizing Through Panel: All settings are provided inside the control panel under the WP dashboard.

The dashboard is kind of a user-friendly simple interface that produces it possible to customize most of the weather of your website in an easy manner.

Customizing Via Codes: Alternatively, if you’re a coding expert, you’ll customize a subject by editing its codes. For people who are unaccustomed to CMS, it should seem difficult.

However, on spending your time with the kid theme and also the style.css file, you may learn to play with customization.

#4. Large Community Helps In Troubleshooting

WordPress includes a massive community of active users and developers. Its well-maintained support forum contains many queries and solutions to troubleshoot problems.

You can also hunt for your query to induce a previously answered question. Post your questions without hesitation, and you’ll get a 100% valid solution.

Apart from its official forum, there is a variety of other WordPress dedicated forums pass developers where one can ask queries and find solutions.

#5. WordPress Is Secure Enough

WordPress includes a high-security standard. But since 37% of the websites on the web are built on that, hackers continuously attempt to find loopholes in WordPress to induce into sites built on that.

But not to worry. Regular updates provided by WordPress have strongly protected you from any kinds of vulnerability.

Regularly updating the WordPress version is kind of effective to fight this vulnerability and malicious point. In fact, website hacking mostly takes place because of the absence of data and awareness in users.

By following some general security methods for WordPress, your website will be made super safe. Just remember these points:

● Use basic security tools – WP Security & Firewall with Wordfence Security.

● Download plugins from WordPress.org only.

● Use recently updated plugins.

● Check plugin rating and no. of downloads.

● Download plugins from trusted sources.

● Update WordPress with its recent version.

● Use a premium theme.



Free themes may contain some malicious codes that harm your site. So if you were keeping aloof from WordPress from the web site security viewpoint, that’s no more a sound point.

Apart from the blogs, Business WordPress websites have increased dramatically and within the near future, we might even see various enhancements like: More optimized SEO features, an outsized amount of WordPress user, an extended & convenient dashboard, and far more.


Overall WordPress is good CMS to adopt for your next business website. We highly recommend it. Do share your thoughts with us within the comments below, it’ll be helpful for the whole community.



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