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What is Environmental Sustainability & Why is it Important?

Environment Sustainability

The term environmental sustainability is a common phrase in discussions about climate change. Environmental sustainability is a key component in the fight against climate change. Many people don’t know what this is, or what steps they can take individually or collectively.

You may not be committed to fighting climate change. But, what is the definition of environmental sustainability? It refers to a balance between natural resources and human consumption.

  • The rate at which a resource like timber or crops is harvested should not exceed its rate of renewal. This is called “sustainable yield”.
  • Non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels should not be depleted at a rate that exceeds the rate at which renewable alternatives are developed, like solar and wind power.
  • Pollution should not exceed the environmental capacity to absorb the waste. This is called “sustainable waste disposal.”

What Does Environment Sustainability Means?

Environmental sustainability simply means that there are no limits to the rate of non-renewable resource extraction, pollution assimilation, or renewable resource harvest. The United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development defines Environmental sustainability as acting today in a manner that will ensure that future generations have sufficient natural resources to sustain a life that is equal or better than the current generation.

One of the most crucial pieces of the climate-change puzzle is achieving a balance between human consumption and natural resources. It is both sustainable for the environment and that fuels modern life. Unchecked resource depletion will result in a global food and energy crisis as well as an increase in global greenhouse gas emissions, which will cause a global warming crisis. We also risk slowing economic and technological advancement if we place too many restrictions on natural resource use.

It is vital that we balance the needs of both environmental protection and human development in order to ensure the survival of the planet and its inhabitants. This delicate balance can be difficult to achieve, but it is possible. For decades, scientists, philosophers and policy experts have focused their attention on issues related to sustainability, society, and the environment.

Environmental Sustainability Questions

It is difficult to achieve economic and Environmental sustainability. This delicate balance between protecting our ecosystem and ensuring a high-quality of life is not easy.

Experts refer to the “three pillars” of sustainability as a way of achieving and maintaining total sustainability.

  • Environment protection is the preservation of ecosystems, air quality and integrity and sustainability of resources in order to create a healthy and clean environment.
  • Economic development is the attainment of a satisfactory level in economic well-being, while preserving the future financial opportunities for those who are able to benefit from it.
  • Social development is the provision of basic resources that allow people to achieve a high level social fulfillment. This includes ending poverty and hunger, improving education and healthcare standards, as well as better sanitation and water quality.

If all three pillars are strong, both human society and the planet will be able to meet their needs in a way that ensures the survival of the other. The first tier of the three pillars is Environmental sustainability. This is because social and economic sustainability are dependent on a healthy and clean environment.

How To Practice Environmental Sustainability

If we work together, Environmental sustainability is possible. There are many ways to practice Environmental sustainability today: planting your own gardens, supporting sustainable agriculture, buying local producers and farmers, purchasing carbon offsets to help reforestation, avoiding fossil fuel consumption, using renewable energy sources, and reducing pollution through composting and supporting clean water initiatives.

If we don’t act now, what does the future look like?

The future health and well-being of future generations is at risk if we don’t take decisive steps towards environmental sustainability. Because intensive farming reduces the fertility and water capacity, food supply will be less reliable. It will be a big setback in order to become a self reliant India. Climate change will be exacerbated by global warming from greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel burning. This will lead to severe weather, flooding, droughts and changes in the growing seasons, which will cause social turmoil. Polluted air, land, and water will have a severe impact on our quality of living and the ability to thrive in local communities as well as the wider society. Environmental sustainability is essential to our survival and that of the planet.


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