Home Home Decor Tips to Prevent Your Trees from Winter Damage

Tips to Prevent Your Trees from Winter Damage


Of all the seasons, winter is probably the time of year when the weather can do the most damage to your trees. Winter can wreak havoc on trees, especially if they are not well cared for. Strong winds can snap branches and even uproot trunks.


Another problem you may face is the build-up of snow and ice on branches that can cause the branches to break under the weight. There are steps you can take to prevent winter tree damage, and there are ways to maintain your trees to avoid further damage as the season progresses.


Steps You Can Take Before the Winter Season


Before winter arrives, you should have your branches trimmed and inspected. The inspections should be carried out by a professional who will look for cracks, splits, disease, deadwood, and a compromised root system.


You should have any branches that hang over your roof or driveway trimmed. Your trees can have their branches thinned, lowering the resistance so that the winter winds will blow through. Be aware the crown of the tree should not be thinned by more than 25 percent.


Before winter storms, any deadwood should be removed since these limbs will break and could become a hazard. If a sapling is unhealthy, it should be disposed of by a tree removal service.


Protecting Your Trees During the Winter


During the winter months, keep up with your regular maintenance and be diligent about having loose or damaged limbs removed promptly. If your tree has multiple trunks or your removal specialists find other problems, they may suggest a cabling system to support the trunk.


This system is installed using the right tension and the appropriate location to protect the tree. After a storm, survey the area and remove any loose limbs and debris. By making an effort to have your trees inspected and trimmed before the winter season, you can save yourself a lot of problems and expense.


Hire a professional tree company to evaluate your property before winter season hits. Ask for recommendations from friends, family, or your landscaper so that you can select a reputable service with a good track record. Make sure that they are insured and experienced.


Protect Your Trees from Winter Storms


Winter storms can be difficult enough to deal with without worrying about damage caused by broken limbs and fallen trees. If you provide your saplings with the best care possible, they will be healthy and ready for spring.


Every season has an impact on the health of your trees, but winter is probably the most damaging. Winter storms that bring strong winds, snow and ice along with freezing temperatures can affect your trees. Sometimes the damage is minor, but other times the damage is so severe that it requires the tree to be removed.


It is not unusual for trees to fall over during the winter season. This can result in quite a problem for a homeowner. It can be dangerous to try to deal with this situation by yourself. Calling a professional company is the best bet. They have specialized equipment and techniques that have been developed through years of experience.


There are times when the tree has not completely fallen but is broken, split, or leaning dangerously. Each of these examples needs to be handled differently. Before removing a tree, it is necessary to be aware of any hanging power lines or objects that are in the way.


Tree falling is an obvious problem, but it’s not the only damage that winter storms can do to your trees. Strong winds can compromise your root system, which can affect the stability of the tree. This may require removal, but some methods can save the tree in some cases.


Get Rid of Fallen or Broken Trees 


Fallen and broken branches may need to be trimmed or removed. You should call the tree removing professionals who will help you to get rid of the trees. They will also help in stump removal. The north shore stump removal contractors use optimum tools and help you to get rid of the stump.


It’s a good idea to take care of your trees as soon as possible after the winter is over so that you can take full advantage of the spring season. A fallen tree can cover a good portion of your yard, and if it is not removed in a timely fashion, the growth of the grass underneath it can be affected. It is also best to have any trimming done before the spring blooming season.


Hiring an experienced, professional tree removal service is the best way to care for your trees any time of year, but after the winter storms blow through, it is best to have them visit and look over your trees. Taking care of minor damage now can help keep you from having to deal with fallen trees later.


Tree removal and trimming service can even grind the stumps left after a fallen tree is removed, and the result can be used as mulch when you do your spring gardening. Stay safe and hire professionals to take care of your tree removal needs.


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