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How To Move With Kids


Moving isn’t an easy process. You may have to buy a new home, sell your current place, hire a moving company like Herlihy Moving, and pack your items. But adjusting to your new environment can even be worse for you and your family. 

Unfortunately, kids are the ones who suffer more from moving. They have to say goodbye to their friends, join a new school, and change their routine. But you don’t have to stress because, with the right tips, you can lessen the stress of moving with your kids. 

Here are some tips to ease your move with kids:

1.Involve Them In The Process

Don’t overlook your kids when planning a move. Whenever possible, involve them. This includes when finding a new home, packing, and even coordinating with movers. When they’re involved, they’ll have a different attitude towards their new home. 

Other ways you can also involve them include asking them to help run a yard sale, select a suitable home, and choose the best color for painting your new home’s walls. 

If they’re very young and can’t make decisions, you can make the packing and moving day more entertaining. One way of doing this is coming up with games like “a moving-box fort.” Alternatively, you can customize boxes with your kids’ items and let them decorate their boxes with beautiful stickers.

2.Give Them Information About Their New Home, School, And Neighborhood

If you’re preparing to move within months, use the time to your advantage. Give your kids as much information as you can about their new home, school, and neighborhood. You can show them pictures of their new bedrooms, school, and playground. That way, you’ll pique their interest and make them desire to see their new environment. Answer every question they ask you and assure them that their new home will offer them more exciting elements than their old ones. 

3.Visit The Area You’re Moving Into

You may not have the luxury of visiting your new home and neighborhood with your kids before the moving day if you’re working on a strict budget. But if you can, it’ll significantly help you reduce your kids’ anxiety and stress. 

You can plan on touring with them their new school, downtown area, and neighborhood. It’s advisable to buy a copy of the local newspaper and check if there are any kids’ activities on the day you plan your visit. These activities may make them interested in their neighborhood. 

4.Hire A Kid-Friendly Moving Company

On a moving day, there’s no doubt you’ll be bogged down with packing up the kitchen and coordinating with your mover. Though this is likely to happen, it’s dangerous because it’ll leave your children feeling overlooked. 

Fortunately, many moving companies have special measures of taking care of the kids on the moving day. Before hiring a company, it would be best to look at their blog or website and see if they offer special children services. Some may even pay for child care on the moving day, while others have creative ways of engaging the kids.

Final Thought

Moving with your children can be a little bit overwhelming. But these tips can help you develop a comprehensive plan that’ll keep your kids less stressed during the move. 


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