Home Technology Advantages Of QuickBooks Premier Hosting For SMBs

Advantages Of QuickBooks Premier Hosting For SMBs


When you have thought of switching to QuickBooks Premier hosting, it is a matter of “when” and not “if” for several businesses. No doubt, QuickBooks has made everyday accounting and tax-related tasks easier and effortless, especially for small businesses. The desktop version of QuickBooks was useful, but it holds certain limitations. They have proved as a great source when it comes to improving the economy. Apart from having the right attitude and skills, the success of small businesses is depicted by the capability of their decision making. The firms need to make the right decisions at the time of need so that one can manage finances, streamline operations to run the firm in a much better way. Small businesses like restaurants etc. also Point of Sale systems like QuickBooks POS Hosting from VDI desktop as a service provider to simply their payments collections.

Premier hosting allows you to pay bills, print checks, track expenses and manage the data via any internet-connected device. Well, QuickBooks hosting enables you to make the most of QuickBooks and its features so that you can enhance the functioning of your business. In this blog, we will discuss how SMBs can avail the benefit of premier hosting services.

What Benefits Can SMBs Avail From QuickBooks Premier Hosting Services?

Now, let’s dive in to understand and get aware of the significant benefits that premier hosting offers to small businesses:


With Premier hosting, you no longer need to make unwanted expenses on purchasing or maintaining local and in-house infrastructure. And this, in turn, saves a massive chunk of money. Besides, you don’t need to invest in purchasing an industry-specific software, framework or equipment for streamlining your accounting operations. Apart from that, there is no requirement for you to hire an expensive IT team that can handle other technological hassles of yours that you may encounter while utilizing hosting services of QB Premier. Well, when you choose a cloud service provider, it comes with a dedicated team of technicians that are available round the clock to take care of your queries. And thus, you can focus on your business tasks in an effective manner.


When it comes to an accounting business, data security is a primary concern for all companies across the world. At times, this concern of security often confuses the business owners while choosing the hosting provider. But, by hosting QuickBooks on a server, you can stay relax as your data is rest secure and safeguarded by deploying various security methods. The service provider encrypts your data and protects it from several intruders. Apart from encryption, various other multi-level security measures are also deployed to ensure complete data security.


Even in today’s time, numerous business firms still maintain their business-related data on a local computer. It may turn out as a lot of paperwork when you do all of your accounting on paper, i.e. from manufacturing to sales, and that becomes tedious to manage. Moreover, you may feel it’s a good idea, but in case of slight damage, you may end up losing crucial financial data of yours. For that, you may take up QuickBooks Premier hosting as it is an advanced solution that assists the user to prevent data loss. Here, the provider backs up all your data and stores it on a remote server that can be accessed from anywhere. Thus, you can say premier hosting is a competent solution that helps you stay away from the data-related concerns.


While choosing a hosting provider for your accounting process, you need to take into account several factors such as the availability of support services in case any issue takes place. Besides, it is essential to have round the clock technical support and reliable team, that can back you up at any hour of the day. And thus, it helps in the smooth functioning of your business process. If you take the services of a competent cloud provider, apart from 24*7 customer support, you get an effective team that can guide you in times of need. Further, you can connect with your Cloud expert via chat, phone.


Well, it’s general for the business to strive and find ways that can assist them in reaching their business goals depending on their industry type. But, who manages to thrive? Only those users who have a competitive advantage over others can avail the benefit. QuickBooks Premier hosting offers you the competitive advantage that can keep you ahead of your competitors. Additionally, it will assist you to focus on other core areas of your business so that you can enhance business profitability and productivity.


When it is accounting, financial data must never be taken for granted. And thus, you must always keep a backup of your data. If you want to save yourself from the hassles of data storage and backing-up, you can opt QuickBooks Premier hosting services. Your data will be backed up automatically if you host QB Premier on the cloud server. And thus, you won’t ever lose your essential accountant data again. You can avail full data security along with disaster recovery plans if you go for a reliable hosting provider. Hence, no matter what happens, your data will always be secure.

Final words

We hope that this blog has helped you to get aware of the benefits that small and medium-sized businesses avail with the services of QuickBooks Premier hosting. These benefits might be inclusive of multiple data back-ups, advanced security, specialized expertise, cost-effectiveness and more. For availing these services, all a user needs to do is find a reliable hosting provider that has a good experience of handling your hosting issues when it comes at managing your accounting business.



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