Home Business 5 Important Tips While Choosing Real Estate CRM Software

5 Important Tips While Choosing Real Estate CRM Software


Real Estate, as a business, is a complicated and highly procedural activity. Right from generating leads to concluding a sale, the property business is a detailed mesh of strategy. Real Estate CRM software, in the light of such elaborate procedures in the niche, have been playing their part in assisting companies to ease out their workflows and processes since a long time.

However, the modern Real Estate CRM has evolved greatly to keep pace with the competition and market demand today. They are no longer considered the back-end tech-support of a business – a good Real Estate CRM is front and centre of a property brokerage firm. It handles mundane tasks (like maintaining a database) and performs proactive, intelligent functions of creating detailed insights such as ad campaign performance or auto-contacting a lead where required.

Considering the step-by-step SOP of Real Estate:

  • Attract online consumers. Statistics say that 60% of users use search engines as the first stage of product/property research. A good Real Estate CRM sets up automated lead tracking and monitoring procedures for a firm so that not a single lead is missed.
  • Actively interact with leads and their nurturing. Where there are consumers, there are bound to be queries. The right CRM software allows a business to set up automated, custom messages to keep the customers engaged with relevant information until an executive can get in touch. In fact, 47% of businesses have realised the importance of customer satisfaction, leading to the increased popularity of CRMs.
  • Employ effective marketing and monitor the performance. CRMs are instrumental in generating insightful reports on ad and marketing campaign performances in the form of diagrams and charts. Selecting the right CRM helps a business generate customised reports reflecting the data that makes sense for the company.
  • Boost sales and initiate follow-ups. Streamlining the process of tracking and targeting leads is performed efficiently by good Real Estate CRMs. By maintaining a database with lead information (contacts, origin, status, etc.), CRM software can assign attributes to a lead that specify how it needs to be marketed to or handled for the conversion to happen. In addition, CRMs set up follow-up schedules with every lead, which ensures customer satisfaction.

Important Features of a CRM: Tips for CRM Selection

Choosing a CRM depends majorly on the features that a business requires to improve its internal processes. When the needs of a business and the capabilities of CRM software are in sync, a truly efficient workflow is created. Here is a list of CRM selection criteria to follow when choosing the right CRM solution for a business.

Tip #1: Ease of Implementation

It is known that integrating CRM software into the systems of a business and getting it to run at full capacity may take months on end. When buying a CRM, ensure that the implementation procedure is as short as possible. The training and capacity building of employees should be seamlessly included with the software dashboard.

Tip #2: Easy Onboarding

A property business can only function properly if all the people involved in its universe have the same updated information. Onboarding of various professionals, whether in-house or third-party, whether consumer or the owner, needs to be simple and quick. Choose a CRM that also provides options to onboard Channel Partners and other outsider-associates of a Real Estate business.

Tip #3: Customization ability

The most important feature for CRM selection is its customizability. Each business is unique in its own right – a CRM should, therefore, be able to let it customize the features to return data that is usable by the business. Whether it be reporting or creating automated email messages, or even creating contact forms for the leads to fill – a lot of flexibility in setting things up is always desirable.

Tip #4: Uniformity

A business performs best when every professional involved has the latest lead information updated and ready for use at their fingertips. Choose a CRM that provides one unified information database that stays updated in real-time.

Tip #5: End-To-End Solutions

One important feature of any CRM is its capability to handle any operation from the starting point to the finish, whether marketing automation or sales funnel management. An intelligent CRM that is able to look after an entire process on its own is a true asset to any business.

All of the CRM selection criteria above are fulfilled by Sell.Do – India’s only fully integrable Real Estate CRM. The Sell.Do has a collection of useful features developed specifically for the Real Estate industry, making it a great choice.

The Sell.Do – A Great CRM Choice

Sell.Do is an exclusive CRM created for use specifically in Real Estate, making it a highly relevant and target-oriented software for property businesses. In addition to being easily implementable, it can be set up within 30 days, saving precious time. It has options to onboard all the company’s staff, associates, partners and other involved professionals in a few steps. It provides A to Z automation options in various arms of a property business.

Since Sell.Do has functionalities that are exclusive to the Real Estate sector; it is a great choice over other generic CRMs.


Selecting the right tools to work with impacts not just the result but the quality as well. Similarly, a well-chosen CRM can elevate a business’s processes to the heights of efficiency and conversion. Use the tips in this blog to choose the right fit of Real Estate CRM for a business.


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