Home Education 3 Indispensable Teaching Tools for Homeschooling

3 Indispensable Teaching Tools for Homeschooling

3 Indispensable Teaching Tools for Homeschooling

Teaching Tools for Homeschooling If this year has been a difficult balancing act for you, you’re not alone. With schools across the country closed because of COVID-19, parents have had to make big adjustments. Juggling jobs, childcare, and education is no easy feat. 

Becoming your child’s teacher requires daily preparation and patience. Maybe you are homeschooling by choice, or maybe the role was imposed on you. Either way, using the right teaching tools can make the experience better for everyone. 

There are endless tools available on the internet, but it can be hard to know what’s actually useful. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, read on to learn about 3 tools for teaching that you should definitely try. 

Virtual Field Trips

Sticking to the same routine every day is tedious. Field trips are one way teachers and homeschoolers combat monotony in the classroom. Unfortunately, many popular field trip destinations are closed during the pandemic. 

Institutions that depend on field trip revenue to keep their doors open are getting creative. As a homeschooling parent, you can enjoy the benefits. Museums and zoos around the world are offering a variety of virtual field trips. 

Your students can take an online tour of The Louvre, visit the Cincinnati Zoo, or check out San Francisco’s Exploratorium. These innovative teaching tools often come with grade-appropriate lesson plans, and some are free.  

Students will have fun, learn, and appreciate the break from their standard schedule. If you can afford it, consider making a small donation to your virtual field trip destination. If money is tight, thank them via social media so others will participate and support the programs.

Worksheet Generators

Spending hours trying to create worksheets to reinforce your child’s curriculum can be so frustrating. Take advantage of online worksheet generators to save time and end up with a polished final product. 

With a worksheet generator, you can make quizzes, word scrambles, flashcards, matching games, and more. This math worksheet generator from Adobe Spark is one of the best math teaching tools available. 

Online Language Immersion

If language classes are part of your homeschooling plan, you already know that practice is essential. Immersion is one of the best ways to learn a second language, but traveling is not an option right now. 

Online teaching tools such as Duolingo and Babbel are great alternatives that will keep your students on their toes. The italki platform also provides a chance to connect with native speakers via Zoom or Skype. 

Try scheduling a lesson with an international language teacher to build vocabulary. It’s also a unique opportunity to take part in cultural exchange.

Teaching Tools Make Homeschooling Easier 

The purpose of teaching tools is to make your homeschooling life a little easier. Take advantage of the apps, websites, blogs, and YouTube channels that exist to support your educational needs. 

When it comes to homeschooling, the internet is your friend. There are endless learning games and resources available. Borrow others’ tools and great ideas so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. 

If you found this post helpful, please check out some of the other great content on our site. 


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