Home Finance What is Home Branch and Can I Change Mine?

What is Home Branch and Can I Change Mine?


Banking is easy these days and this was not the same a few years ago. These days there are some banks that do not differentiate between the home branch and the non-home branch. But there are also some banks that let the customers carry make transactions only from the home branch.

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So what actually is the home branch?

In simple words, the home branch is the branch of the bank where you had opened the account. For example, I lived in sector 4 of Noida. And there is a State Bank of India branch. While I was opening the account with the State Bank of India I did it in this branch.

But now I am living in Bengaluru’s electronic city area. And luckily there is a branch of State Bank of India too. But this can not be my home branch.

But why?

Because I had not opened the State Bank of India, Electronic City branch while opening the account. But I did approach the Noida branch right?

This is how it works and this is how I can explain to you the meaning of the home branch in the most simple manner.

Can I Change my Home Branch?

Yes, you can change your home branch and in some cases like one of mine. It is important to change it because I no longer stay in Noida. So if I need to change anything like my registered mobile number, etc. I will have to go to the Noida branch. So it is a good idea for me to change my home branch to Electronic city.

What is the Process of Change?

If you want to change the branch then you can do that not a problem. Here you should know that some banks allow you to do it online. Whereas some branches insist the account holder come to the branch itself.

So by this, we can conclude that all the banks allow changing the branch offline right?

Yes, so let us focus on the offline method only.

Preliminary Arrangements:

When you approach the bank to change your branch you will have to make sure that you carry your bank passbook, and ID with you.

And at the same time, you will have to show your address proof to the bank which shows your current address. I mean the address in the city where you can change your branch to.

In my case, I will have to provide the address proof document which certifies the place where I stay in Electronic City. When you are ready with all of these things you are all set to change the branch.

  1. Go to your home branch where presently you hold your account.
  2. Collect a branch changing application from.
  3. Fill the form with all the details.
  4. Mention your present branch name and IFSC Code.
  5. And also mention the branch where you want to move your account to.
  6. Once you have filled all the details sign the form.
  7. Submit the form to the bank and wait till you get confirmation on your registered mobile number.

This is how you can change your branch. Some banks issue you a new bank passbook so confirm it when you submit the application. If your bank is providing a new bank passbook then collect it and then leave the branch.


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