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What Is A Seller Feedback Software And What Are Its Uses And Benefits?

amazon seller feedback software

Online shopping has become very important in our lives, it has made it possible for us to do shopping by just sitting at home. It has also removed the time bar of markets, we can buy anything from anywhere at any time. Online shopping sites are opened for 24/7. It has also provided many opportunities to the offline dealers to grow their businesses online by joining the online business platforms. Due to the increasing scope of online marketing, many offline retailers are registering themselves on online shopping websites as online sellers. But not all the online sellers of these websites sell good quality products, many sellers sell poor quality products at the same price of good quality products, by posting fake pictures of good products.

Many customers get into this trap and buy poor quality products at higher prices and lost their trust in online shopping websites. Therefore, the management of these websites should take the survey which seller is providing genuine products and which one is providing cheap products. Online buyers should also understand their responsibility for giving reviews and ratings of the products they have bought. There are many online shopping websites and Amazon is one such website. The sellers of these websites should consider the reviews and ratings of their buyers, the online sellers like Amazon sellers can make use of amazon seller feedback software to take the reviews of the customers and highlight the negative and positive reviews, and to solve their customer’s queries. Just like this, there are many benefits to using seller feedback software.

The following are the benefits of using seller feedback software:

  • Using reviews and feedback software will help a seller to take the reviews and ratings of the buyers and on such a basis, they will be able to solve their customer’s queries. Solving customers’ queries will help the sellers to get positive reviews and ratings from the buyers. More positive rating reviews of a seller will attract more customers toward his or her products. This will also result in increased sales and profitability of the seller.
  • This software will help in detecting the negative reviews and ratings easily. Most online buyers make their decision to buy products based on such reviews and ratings. Negative reviews and ratings can affect the sales of a seller. With the help of this software, sellers can easily detect negative reviews and take further actions to solve such negative reviews. This will help the sellers to improve their image in the online market.
  • Just like fraud sellers, there are also many fraud customers on online shopping websites, who post fake negative reviews and ratings without even buying the product. With the help of the feedback software, the sellers shall be able to know whether the buyer is a genuine buyer or the fake one. This will help the sellers to take appropriate actions on such people to prevent the same thing to happen in the future.
  • Online sellers can also protect their brand reputation, sellers shall be able to detect the negative reviews quickly and can take the appropriate actions, detecting negative reviews and taking appropriate actions quickly can help a seller to protect brand reputation and increase loyalty among customers.
  • The sellers shall also be able to know the post-sale performance of the product sold by them. Based on such a performance review seller can make further changes and developments in the products, if required. Better changes and developments will attract more customers and help the seller to increase his or her product sales.

All the points mentioned above are the benefits of using seller feedback software, as already mentioned above the sellers shall be able to improve his or her products or services. This will also help future customers in several ways. Future customers will make their decision to buy products based on such reviews and ratings. Buying products on such a basis will help the buyers to buy good quality products only.

One question that comes in mind is why do we need these ratings and reviews. The online ratings and reviews are useful in the following ways:

  • Based on such reviews, buyers shall be able to compare the ratings and reviews given to one seller with the ratings and reviews given to another seller. This will ensure that the buyer is buying products from a genuine seller. 
  • These ratings and reviews will help the online shopping websites to wipe out the fraud sellers from the website. Fraud sellers mean those sellers who either deliver the wrong products or send the poor quality products at a higher price.

For the above-mentioned reasons, we need online ratings and reviews from the buyers. Amazon review management software collects the customer’s reviews and arranges them in a series according to the ratings, ratings are usually given in stars, five-star rating for the excellent review and one-star rating for the poor review. This software automatically sends a review email to those buyers who forget to leave reviews on the product page.

Whenever a seller receives a negative review, he or she should consider the reasons for such a negative review. There many reasons for receiving negative reviews.

The following are the reasons for receiving negative reviews:

  • The buyer might have received the wrong product, no one likes to pay for wrong orders, sending wrong orders can attract negative reviews.
  • The buyer might have received the product later than the time promised. Delayed product deliveries are irritating and break customer trust. Sometimes, products are needed on the exact timing, delays in such cases attract more negative reviews.
  • The product might have been sent to the wrong address. Product delivery to the wrong address causes a waste of money for the original buyer.
  • The product delivered might be different from the product shown in the picture on the website online.

All the reasons mentioned above can attract negative reviews and ratings of the customers. The online seller should consider such reasons carefully and take the appropriate actions to solve such queries. Solving these queries quickly will help the seller to improve his or her image in the eyes of online customers.


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