Home Technology Ways to Showcase Customer Reviews on Websites

Ways to Showcase Customer Reviews on Websites


Out of so many things, what is that one factor that decides the fate of your business online? It is none other than Customer Reviews that are proof of your business’s growth and authenticity. In this competitive world, you just can’t deny the value of customer reviews, even if those reviews are negative. Several surveys and researches have shown the power of customer reviews, both for the customers and businesses. With the advancement of technology, customer reviews have found new ways to be seen, like social media and online review sites such as Yelp, Google Reviews. 

There are so many benefits of embedding customer reviews on your website such as Free Promotions, Increase Brand Awareness, Build Trust, Showcase Authencity, Empower Brand Advocacy, Improve Audience Engagement, Amplify SEO Benefits and more

Widget tools like Taggbox Widget help you collect reviews from social media platforms and review platforms like Yelp Reviews, Google Reviews, etc. and curate them in a single feed real-time. You can then embed these feeds easily and effectively wherever you want on your website. 

You can also customize customer reviews widget to make them more captivating, along with that, you can also moderate your content by removing irrelevant reviews.

The best part about the Taggbox widget is that it allows you to integrate customer reviews on website building platforms like WordPress, Wix, HTML, Shopify, and more.

Four Review Promotion Techniques

Making the first impression is essential, especially when it’s about your business. Customer reviews help in doing that to a great extent. To be noted, there are four unique ways through which you can showcase customer reviews on your website. Let’s dive deeper into this topic!

1. Testimonials

Have you ever came across the customer testimonials on a website? Posted on a company’s website, testimonials are the honest advertisements of your product or service in the most specific, unique way. Basically, testimonials include the following information;

  • The overall experience of an ex-customer
  • How your products offered value to customers?
  • How prospects felt confident about your product? and more 

Customers trust other customers, which makes it more beneficial to use testimonials so that you can include buyers to promote your brand in quite an authentic way. To make your product testimonials more powerful and impactful, you provide pictures or videos of the people who have provided the testimonials, positive quotes from customers, more. Make sure every testimonial embedded on your website should highlight different people in a unique way using your product or service.

Speaking of its importance from the customer’s perspective, testimonials immensely impact their buying decision. While in terms of business, testimonials help in building social proof for their brand. Any business without reviews or testimonials raises a red flag, and one single negative review can take away your potential customer. On the other side, one positive testimonial can convert interested consumers into loyal buyers. 

2. Review Badges and Widgets

How about showcasing online reviews in the form of user-generated content? 

Serving numerable purposes, Review Widgets are proof of your trustworthiness and service. Including past experiences of customers, reviews can either make or break your website

On the other side, outsourced from websites such as Google Local Maps or Facebook, Company Review Badges, and Local Review Badges refer to comments about your service, delivery, prices, etc. can embed this type of customer reviews on the sidebar of your website’s homepage. 

While Product Review Badges contain detailed information about the products you sell, such as suitability, durability, or any other information that your customers may wish to include.  

3. Feature reviews with attribution 

Take customer reviews to the next level by displaying feature reviews with attribution on your website. Optimize the structure of your reviews with the help of schema markup so that search engines can easily identify you. Let your online reviews appear on top of search results. 

4. Review Stream

Don’t you want to highlight a few reviews from more than one review website? 

Yes, I must have felt the need for this, which is why Review Stream came into existence. Being an automation tool, Review Stream allows you to collect your company or product reviews from all over the web. Also, you can post the latest review on your website regularly. But how will you do that?

Well, there’s an easy to implement, copy and paste embeddable version of the Review Stream widget that uses Javascript. Not just reviews from review websites, but you can also showcase Facebook reviews made for e-commerce. The review stream is beneficial as it fabricates original reviews, re-publish snippets of each review, and therefore it respects the interests of the businesses. Review Streams restricts the manipulation of ratings by the businesses intending to rank in the search engines.


Embedding customer reviews on your website can open a door of innumerable opportunities for your business. This user-generated content is the best way to know what your customers think about your brand. Leverage the power of reviews, so if you haven’t, then embed online reviews on your website in any of the forms that have mentioned-above.


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