Home Life style How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions?

How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions?

New Year’s Resolutions

Right after Christmas, many people start to look forward to the new year. They even make different resolutions. After all, the new year offers everybody a fresh start and an opportunity to establish new habits while getting rid of the bad routines. This helps one to grow socially, psychologically, physically, emotionally, and intellectually. But of course, making resolutions and actually acting upon them are two different things. Many people fail to change themselves and while others who somehow step on the right path eventually fall back into their old patterns.

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5 Tips to Remain True to Your New Year’s Resolutions

It’s not easy to follow your new year’s resolutions. Ask me! My 2020 resolution was to start my own business. And even though I subscribed to the Spectrum Gold package and did my proper research, I lost motivation somehow. Somewhere down the road, I realized that what I am doing is wrong. Hence, I changed my ways and was able to launch my start-up in the fall. You too can remain true to your resolutions by following these amazing tips.

#1. Think of a Specific Goal

Each year, many people resolve to get in shape or to be more productive. This is more like an ambiguous goal. What you should do is to focus on something concrete that is realistically achievable. For instance, instead of making your mind to lose weight, your goal should be to lose 10 pounds. Similarly, if you plan on getting more productive then, you should aim for making a daily to-do list which will help you achieve that. Also, if you think of a specific goal then it will aid you in planning how to accomplish it.

#2. Take Time for Planning

People normally don’t make resolutions until the last minute. Don’t do that! Instead, you should put the time into making your resolutions. At the same time, think about how you plan to achieve it. If you plan to adopt a new behavior then ask yourself why you want to do it in the first place. After that, you should ponder upon the steps that you will take to accomplish it. Also, think about the ways that can help you stay loyal to your resolution. Why all this is necessary? Well, if you start to list down your goals without any vivid plan then you might just quit when faced with an obstacle.

#3. Limit Your Resolutions

Yes, a new year does provide you a chance to change yourself but that doesn’t mean you develop a lengthy list of resolutions. You will just lose focus and would start to wonder which one to work on first. This will eventually lead you to lose interest. What you can do is to make just a single resolution and then you can focus on it completely and honestly. Devoting all of your energy to one objective will make it really easier for you to achieve it.

#4. Start with Small Steps

So, you have listed your resolution for this year. You have also defined the plan and the steps to achieve it. Great! You are fueled with motivation and can’t wait to pounce on your goal like a tiger. Though your enthusiasm is appreciated. However, this is where you will need to be extra careful. Just remember not to overdo yourself! Take small steps to accomplish your goal. Work your way slowly towards it. Just continue to put your effort and dedication into achieving it and you surely will taste success.

#5. Remember That Change Is a Process

This is probably one of the most important things to keep in mind. Just remember that the bad habits that you have probably took years to develop. They cannot just go away with a snap of a finger. You have to be patient with yourself. You have to understand that working towards your resolution is a process. Also, it is okay if you take a misstep. You can always restart and continue on your journey to accomplish the objective that you set.


The ritual of setting yearly resolutions doesn’t have to be a total disappointment. You know, sometimes it is your goals and the process you plan that will define your success and failure. Moreover, you should learn to be flexible and kind to yourself. Also, celebrate the progress that you make. It will help you to stay motivated towards your end goal!


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