Home Digital Marketing The best piece of SEO advice a business would love to have

The best piece of SEO advice a business would love to have


Businesses who have jumped into search engine optimization in helping their business rank better in search results always want to be sure that they are doing it right.  They search the internet looking for the best tips and advice regarding SEO so they can utilize their SEO campaign to the fullest.

They then start combing a lot of websites. At times they find the ways to improve on their SEO and at times they end up empty handed.

Does SEO have a single piece of the best advice? Or is there more than just an individual piece of advice?

Best advice(s) for improving SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t as simple as it used to be and bringing it down to just an individual advice is not possible. 

The strategy involves many things that help it work on the right path. Businesses should not instead ask for just one advice, they should actually start searching for the best tips and advices that can help amplify their SEO efforts.

Even the best Toronto SEO Agency agrees upon the above points. Now let us have a look at key points in improving a business’s SEO strategies and practices.

  • Looking for relevant keywords that help improve the rank in search results

One of the best advice businesses can get for SEO is finding keywords relevant for their business and website. When users conduct an internet search, they type in keywords to help them find the needed information.

This tip is essential because it helps businesses appear in front of relevant leads. When they integrate industry-related terms in the website, they appear in more searches hence bringing in more qualified traffic to the pages.

To find the relevant keywords, keyword research must be conducted and for this purpose a variety of tools can be used (Google Keyword Planner is most commonly used).

For instance, suppose the business is of Mitsubishi car parts and the business wants to find relevant keywords for the site. Using a keyword research tool, they can add in ‘Lancer Evo parts’ and a lot of searches come up for Mitsubishi car part sellers.

When this keyword is entered, dozens of valuable keywords can be used on related pages across the website, like Mitsubishi Pajero parts, Mitsubishi eclipse parts and Mitsubishi spare parts. These keywords are great for attracting people searching for these terms.

When conducting keyword research, it is imperative that businesses stick to industry related keywords. Picking industry related keywords is key to attracting people who are most interested in the business.

It would be wise for businesses to consider long tail keywords as they contain three or more words. A keyword like ‘Mitsubishi Lancer Evo Parts’ is quite specific and will attract leads searching those precise terms.

This way, businesses will help themselves drive more relevant traffic to their pages through these kinds of keywords

  • Integrating keywords to help improve search result rank

Keyword integration comes next in the list of SEO tips and tricks. Once you find relevant keywords, they must be integrated in the website. Keywords will not be ranked necessarily by placing them in the website once. They need to incorporate these keywords throughout the pages to help improve the website’s rank.

Businesses will want to integrate keywords into multiple places, such as in the following:

Title tags

The tile tag is the heading users see in the search results. It is one of the first things the audience looks at to determine relevancy. Search engines use title tags for relevancy as well. Businesses will want to integrate the main keyword in the front ensuring users and search engines know that the website is relevant immediately.

Meta descriptions

Meta descriptions are the short write-ups appearing in search results beneath the title tags. These short sections provide users and search engines with insight on what to expect from the page. They will want to integrate the keyword in this description for relevancy.


URLs that are SEO-friendly need to be clear. They should also contain the keyword. Do not use a string of random numbers, symbols and letters for the URLs. Instead of such, keywords should be used to help provide users and search engines with clarity about the page.


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