Home Business Simple Maintenance Tips for Science Lab Equipments

Simple Maintenance Tips for Science Lab Equipments


Science lab equipment need regular maintenance in the right way. Proper maintenance assures that the equipment can provide ideal results without any error. On top of that, the science lab equipment is expensive and maintenance cost down the expenditure of buying new ones.

But, how to maintain the equipment? Read this article till the end to know more-

  • Cleaning is the primary step.


The most basic and primary step for maintenance is cleaning. In general, the equipment can collect dust or grime or chemical deposits in them if they are used regularly. Hence, cleaning often helps to keep the equipment sterile and functioning.


The general cleaning rule is to use a mild detergent or laboratory-grade soap to clean the equipment. You can make a solution with soap and water and dip the smaller equipment in the solution. For the bigger ones, use a soft cloth dipped in that soapy cleaning solution. After cleaning with soap, make sure to clean each equipment with water to ensure there is no soap left on the items. After washing, wipe them using a soft and clean cloth. Weekly or bi-weekly cleaning is one of the best ways to maintain the accuracy of the equipment. But, you need to have proper attention to prevent damages.


If a piece of equipment comes with an instruction manual, try to read it once. It will allow you to find any special cleaning requirements for that particular lab item. And, if there is any individual cleaning instruction, it is best to follow that guide. Cleaning with proper techniques is always recommended.


  • Repair the items if needed


It is natural that laboratory equipment gets the signs of wear and tear with extensive usage. They often break down with continuous damages. But, if possible, try to repair the possible equipment. Repairing adds a new lease of life into the machines and any type of equipment. If some parts are damaged, you can also replace those parts to make the machine or equipment functioning again. Repairing often saves a lot of money than buying a new machine. It is because small replacements and repairs can elongate the life of the machine, and it can last for a long time.



  • Calibrate the equipment from time to time


Any machine or analytical equipment requires calibration to give accurate results. Calibrating is one of the primary forms of maintenance. It allows the machine to function in the right way. Additionally, calibration also ensures the machine can provide proper results without any error. So, make sure to calibrate any possible laboratory gadgets at least once after two to three months. Calibration will save you time while conducting experiments. Additionally, it will also make sure the machine is in working condition.


  • Refurbish the machines


Refurbishing is not repairing, although it may include repairing of broken or damaged parts. Refurbishing helps maintain any lab equipment. The best way is to open all the pieces of science laboratory equipment. Dismantle anything with proper attention and clean those parts thoroughly. After cleaning, you may polish them or lubricate these items. Polishing and lubricating allow any scientific machines to offer better performance during any experience. Furthermore, it also helps these expensive items to last for a long time.


  • Place and store any equipment


If you want to maintain the science lab equipment, make sure to store and place them with caution. In the case of scientific electronic machines like lab refrigerators, incubators, etc., placement is one of the most vital maintenance. Place any gadget in such a way that it does not end up in a cramped pace. Always make sure to provide enough space between the walls and other machines. Additionally, read the installation manual and place any equipment on a place that is best for it.


It is better to avoid placing other items on top of any machine to ensure that it works properly. In the case of small equipment like the glassware or smaller ones, store them with proper caution. In this case, try storing these smaller items in a clean and dry place and avoid bacteria or fungus on them.


  • Try to buy high-quality science lab pieces of equipment

It is always advised to buy high-quality science lab equipment from well-known manufacturers and sellers. They offer you proper items that are durable and long-lasting. Also, standard products have all the necessary features to make experiments useful. Hence, always buy standard items.


  • Other tips

It is better to use gloves and masks to hold lab equipment. Wearing protective items prevents contamination in equipment and also protects the wearer.

A laboratory needs proper cleaning and sanitization to ensure every equipment remains in better condition.

In case you are searching for the best and high-quality lab equipment at a reasonable price, contact Global Supply. It is a reputed lab equipment supplier that offers standard equipment all around the globe.


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