Home Technology How to replace a MacBook Pro Hard Drive?

How to replace a MacBook Pro Hard Drive?

MacBook Pro Hard Drive
MacBook Pro hard drive replacement cost

Has your MacBook Pro lately started running slower than it normally does? Do you feel that it is freezing frequently? Or are you hearing strange kinds of noises coming out of it and the files are not opening as they should be? All of these things are the sign that something bad is about to happen. When this starts to happen you should just get a new MacBook. If not that, you should try and find the culprit which can possibly be your hard drive and get it repaired. Repairing the hard drive, practically means that you will have to replace it. In order to do that you must understand the basics about the problem with hard drives. Explained below are some of the things that you need to know about the hard drive and what you should do to replace it so that your MacBook Pro can function normally. If you find the below mentioned method a little confusing, head over to any computer repair shop and they will do it for you.

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What is the benefit of learning about how to replace a MacBook Pro hard drive:

Almost everyone knows that hard drives are responsible for storing information on your Mac. They are responsible for providing storage based physical forces, magnetism and movement. In a nutshell the hard drives have parts in them that spin around and write down the code so that data can be preserved in Mac.

However the problem with these hard drives is the moving parts inside them. These parts eventually fail and stop functioning. The problem with this solution is to install a new hard drive but with solid parts. If you are thinking of an upgrade you should consider a solid state drive also known as SSD. These SSDs come with no moving parts hence the word solid state.

How will I know that I need to upgrade to an SSD?

These are some of the symptoms that might become the reason for you to shift from your old hard drive to an SSD.

  • Your MacBook Pro is running very slow. 
  • Your MacBook Pro freezes frequently.
  • You cannot open files on your Macbook pro.
  • Even after saving your files without error, they become corrupted.
  • The files have started disappearing suddenly.
  • Your MacBook Pro gives strange, repetitive noises as if it is trying to write data continuously but in a noisy way.
  • You have to do some heavy work e.g. play games or do video editing etc.

How to replace a MacBook Pro hard drive with an SSD?

These are some of the things that you are going to need if you want to replace your MacBook Pro hard drive with an SSD.

  • You will need an SSD.
  • You will need a SATA-to-USB cable or dock.
  • You will need a Torx head screwdriver.
  • Lastly, you will need a tiny Phillips Screwdriver.

When you have all these supplies you will have to perform a backup first. A backup is very important as you do not want to lose your personal or professional data in any case while changing your hard drive type.


  • You can simply place your MacBook Pro upside down on a static free place.
  • After that you have to remove the 10 screws using the screwdriver.
  • Now you have to gently remove the bottom of your MacBook Pro and after doing that you have to find the hard drive.
  • After finding the hard drive you will have to gently remove it and you will see a ribbon attached to one end of it. After that you will have to wiggle the connector and not the ribbon to disconnect it.

After doing this, you have to finally install the SSD. The SATA ribbon is attached to the SSD gently and it is placed back inside the MacBook Pro. After screwing the bottom back on your device is ready to function with this new SSD.

After replacing the SSD with your old hard drive you can enjoy longer lifespan for your computer. There will be no moving parts and hence the laptop will not be easily damaged. SSDs are powered by electricity through the move with an incredible speed and your device functions fast. Your system will become quieter and there will be no strange noises coming out of it. Hence SSDs provide a faster, noise free experience of using a MacBook.


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