Home Technology Important things to know about solar systems in Uttar Pradesh

Important things to know about solar systems in Uttar Pradesh


Demand of energy is going high day by day with development of our country. The fast depletion of the conventional energy sources gives the renewable energy sources a high promotion. Solar energy is the best renewable energy source in this era. In upcoming days solar energy will be the best alternative of the traditional electricity. Among the major states of India, Uttar Pradesh is a rising market for the solar energy. The state has huge potential in Industrial and Commercial buildings. Uttar Pradesh Government also gives subsidies to residential consumers. UP is going to establish major projects based on solar power. A number of solar companies are recently built up in various parts of Uttar Pradesh. Solar companies in Lucknow provide the best support in solar projects. U.P has a solar policy and here are the key highlights of the policy:- 

  1. A consumer who is eligible for installing solar rooftop system can install it under Gross Metering Arrangements.
  2. Consumer who has residential meter or agriculture meter can also install solar PV system under this Gross or Net Metering System.
  3. Before installing solar system in an area, capacity of the distribution transformer of the area should be checked because the total load of all solar systems shall not exceed 75% of the transformer capacity. 
  4. The capacity of grid connected rooftop solar system should be within 1KWp to 2 MWp and it must not exceed 100% of the sanctioned load.  
  5. The state Government of  U.P. provides Rs. 15,000 per KW upto Rs. 30,000 per KW incentive for the residential solar rooftop PV system. This incentive will be paid after installation, commissioning and documentation of the solar plant to UPNEDA. This amount is sanctioned for every residential solar system in Uttar Pradesh like – solar panel for home in Prayagraj
  6. If the solar panel capacity is 10KWp or above then an approval of State Electricity Inspector is mandatory for installation of the system. 
  7. According to the banking rules of UPERC, an industrial customer is permitted by DISOM to store 100% energy every year.  
  8. No wheeling charges or cross-subsidy surcharge will be applicable to sale power inside U.P. 
  9. For third party sale there will be no electricity duty or stamp duty for 10 years. 
  10. In the new policy framework investors can sell power to commercial customers within as well as outside the state through solar generator without paying any transmission charges. But in the old framework all energy was fed to UP Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL).

Uttar Pradesh is the first state in the country to start a block chain enabled solar power system. Two State Government bodies – Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA) and Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation (UPPCL) will host the first project of generating energy from the solar rooftop systems that are installed on Government buildings.  U.P. Government implements various schemes to grow up the possibilities for using solar energy in villages. Under Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Samagra Gram Vikas Yojana sloar street light plants are being built up in rural areas. Schemes are implemented to provide the subsidy of solar system to the poor families of villages.


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