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How to Stay on Top of Latest Technology Trends

How to Stay on Top of Latest Technology Trends

Is your technology knowledge stuck in 1992?

It’s time to move on from that classic McIntosh computer and original Nintendo console. There’s a whole world of fast and efficient gadgets out there.

From super thin smartphones to wifi-connected watches, there are plenty of choices to consider, but how do you discover the latest tech on the market?

In this post, you’re going to learn how to keep up with technology the right way.

Take notes! Here are the best ways to discover and test out the latest technology.

1. Tech Blogs

Technology blogs have been around since the start of the internet. Fortunately, they’re some of the best sources online for tech releases and advice.

If you’re a total tech novice, start with blogs like Techcrunch, Gizmodo, Mashable, Slashdot, Lifehacker, PC World, Computer World, and Engadget.

These blogs publish up-to-the-minute tech news and releases. They also have some of the best tech reviews online. CNET, in particular, is an excellent source for detailed user reviews.

If you want to learn about the latest financial technology, commonly known as “Fintech,” you can check out Capital finance International or other fintech news sites. 

Other noted publications, like People Magazine, Washington Post, and New York Times, also have technology sections on their websites.

2. Unboxing Videos on YouTube

Tech reviews got their start on blogs, but YouTube took them to another level.

Video demos give consumers a true inside look into a product’s functionality, feel, design, packaging, manuals, and features. Known as “unboxing videos,” these demos rack up millions of views. Kids also love unboxing videos.

Unlike written reviews, unboxing videos provide better insight into the product itself. You also see raw reactions in real-time.

However, like written reviews, there are plenty of fake reviews that spoil the bunch. Avoid sponsored videos; companies pay reviewers for these reviews. YouTube reviewers on PR lists aren’t too trustworthy, either.

Many reviewers disclaim whether or not a video is sponsored. YouTube also includes a special stamp on sponsored videos, which is clearly visible to viewers. 

3. Check out Products In-Person

Buying technology is like buying jeans. Sometimes you have to try them on in-person to know if they’re the right fit. Tech devices are similar.

A product may look cool online or in a video, but it may not measure up to expectations in person. A product may be too heavy and cumbersome in your hands. The design may not translate as well in person as it did online.

Luckily, most technology stores, especially big-box electronics retailers, have working demos available.

Not only can you touch the product, but you can access its operating system and features. You may find that you like one keyboard better than another. One laptop’s mouse may be more user-friendly than the next laptop.

Sales associates are also available to help. Ask them about their favorite devices, too. Electronics store employees are just as knowledgeable about technology as tech bloggers.

Keep Up With Technology Today

Don’t get left behind in the dust with obsolete technology. Keep up with technology and stay in the know with these quick and easy tips.

Are you ready to stock your home with the latest digital devices? Check out the blog for even more tech-friendly tips and ideas.


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