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How to Budget for a Household Move


Moving to your new home is an excitement that comes with expenses. Remember, it’s not just an easy thing where you wake up, catch the next train or get into your car and off to your new home. There’s a series of activities that will need planning. You’ve preparation to do; packing up your belongings, transportation, labor, and such. All these are costs that will require a budget. If you’re not careful with your planning, you may end up spending more than you budgeted for.

The following guide will help you elaborate on a budget that takes care of all costs and expenses during your move.

A moving budget template

The easiest way to get a budget template is through software programs. You don’t have to go the complicated programs- a simple Microsoft Word or Excel are some bets programs you can opt for. They’ve formula and, therefore, easy to do calculations. If you need something portable or have no time to set up documents on your computer, you need to get a bookkeeper’s record book. Get a few column titles and entry boxes. Here, you’ve an outline on tracking your expenses.

The professional mover’s expenses

When moving, you need the services of a professional mover; otherwise, you may end up regretting later. Here, there are some expenses you need to consider in your budget.

The moving fee

This includes the labor and fuel charges. Get at least three competitors and let them give you their quotations. Add the highest quote to your budget- that will mean, even if you get someone who charges less, at least you’ll make a saving.

Additional insurance

If your belongings are worth much to you, you’ll need to get an insurance company to cover them, and this is an expense you must have in your budget.

The extra services

Most of the moving companies will prefer doing the packing, preparing appliances and such. Thus you need o find out how much it would cost to do all that work. Get the highest quotation for the same.

The extra charges

Apart from the typical cost of transportation, the distance may mean you tack on extra charges. This will include long haul charges, shuttle services, long carriage services, or even flight charges.

Damage costs

You don’t expect to have damages on your valuables but assume that there will be damages. Here, you should save some 5% of the contingency rate based on the moving company fees.

Moving yourself

If you’re moving on your own, there will be charges that you need to budget for.

-Truck rental

Here, the rates will vary according to the size and whether you’re moving one-way or return.


How many miles to the gallon can you expect? Such and other related questions need to be clarified and reflect in your budget. If you’re moving to a far distance, it’s prudent you find out the cost of gas along that route.

-Travel to the new home

When moving to your new home, it’s not just your valuables that are moving; you’re also on the move and most likely with a private vehicle. Therefore, you have to budget for transportation, lodging, meals, child/ pet care, and temporary housing at your destination before your home is ready.

The list of things you need in your budget is exhaustive, and therefore, research on moving- and all that is involved. It’s also prudent you talk to experienced movers like Lawrence Moving to help you draw a budget to ensure you get to your destination and settle comfortably.


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