Home Digital Marketing Google’s Core Web Vitals to Become Ranking Signals

Google’s Core Web Vitals to Become Ranking Signals


Since we devote a lot of time to optimizing keywords, backlinks, and mobile-experience, and Google focuses much more on on-page optimization, the latter has come up with a new series of metrics that are related to responsiveness, speed, and visual stability. It is the core web vitals of Google. The tentative launch date is in May 2021. Let’s take some time to figure out what core web vitals are and how important they are.  

What are the core web vitals of Google? 

The core web vitals are a series of particular factors that are considered important by Google to enhance the complete experience of a web page. Core web vitals consist of three particular user interaction measurement and page speeds: 

  1. Largest contentful paint (LCP)
  2. First input delay 
  3. Cumulative layout shift 

To put it simply, the core web vitals of Google are a subcategory of features that are on their way to become a part of the ‘page experience’ of Google. Go to the Google Search Console account, and you will find you’re the data of your website’s core web vitals in the ‘enhancement’ segment. 

Why are core web vitals essential? 

In order to make page experience a vital and must-have factor for determining Google ranking, they have come up with core web vitals so that plenty of digital marketing companies in the USA make use of them to build their websites in a better manner. 

To figure out a better page experience, there are certain parameters that are considered important by Google for user experience. They are as follows: 

  1. Mobile-friendliness 
  2. HTTP 
  3. Scarcity of interstitial pop-ups 
  4. Secured browsing without the intervention of malware 

As the name suggests, it can be clearly stated that the core web vitals of Google are sure to be one of the most excellent page experiences that Google has planned to introduce to its customers lately. In fact, Google has been quick enough to understand that the core web vitals are among the many factors with which the rank of a site can be determined. Having said that, Google has given an entire year to improve your website’s core web vital scores. However, if you want, you can enhance it beforehand too. 

Three Core Web Vitals 

Let us take a look at how you can improve each one of them. 

  1. Largest contentful pain (LCP)

The largest contentful pain is the amount of time taken by a web user for a page to get loaded. In other words, LCP is the period calculated from the time a link is clicked to the time it appears completely on the screen. However, unlike other speed metrics, the LCP represents the opening of a web page. It caters to the factors that matter the most when talking about page speed, that is, the ability of a user to interact and see a web page. 

For checking the LCP score, one can make use of Google Page Speed Insights. This helps to find out the areas where there is still scope for improvement. What’s great about Google Pagespeed Insights is it gives you the opportunity to take a look at the performance of your page after launch. 

As per the guidelines of LCP, the speed is broken down into three factors: 

  • Good 
  • Needs improvement 
  • Poor 

However, to improve the LCP score of your site, you have to get rid of any unnecessary third-party scripts, eliminate large page elements, reduce CSS, upgrade the web host and arrange for lazy loading. 

  1. First Input Delay (FID)

By this time, your page has already gained FCP. Now comes the million-dollar question – Can visitors interact with your web page? The answer to this question is what is measured by FID. According to Google, FID is essential because it considers the way visitors interact with a web page. There are some particular criteria for evaluating an FID. What differentiates FID from others is it measures the time a user takes to perform on your website. 

However, to improve the FID score, you have to defer JavaScript, use a browser cache, and eliminate any non-critical third-party scripts. 

  1. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

The cumulative layout shift checks the stability of a page while it loads. For example, while loading a page, if the elements are seen to be in motion, it has high CLS, which is unsatisfactory for a website. To reduce CLS, you have to be sure of reserved space for ads, attach new UI elements below the fold, and make use of set size attribute dimensions for any media. 


So, Google has launched the Core Web Vitals for quantifying user experience. Therefore, the better UX your site has, the better will be the score of your page experience. Make use of the Core Web Vitals of Google to enhance your web page.


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