Home Business Easy Web Scraping And SERP Features by All-SERP!

Easy Web Scraping And SERP Features by All-SERP!

Web Scraping

What is SERP & web scraping!?

SEO specialists, data miners, webmasters, and many other people are in search of the best ways to scrape data from search engines fast and reliably.  

As you may know, manual SERP scraping not only is time-consuming but also exposes you to the danger of blocking! Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines block the users after a few numbers of searches based on their rules. One search engine may block you after 10 searches while another blocks you after 20 searches. The important point is that they all will block you finally!

Now how should we solve this problem? The best alternative is to use online and automatic web scrapers or SERP APIs.

Web harvesting tools are known as SERP API or SERP scraper. SERP API extracts data from search engines in real-time and with no latency. Any kind of search engines like Yahoo and Google can be scraped by SERP APIs.

I have worked with several SERP APIs to use their data on my website. The best of all in my opinion is the All-SERP SERP scraper. To extract content and data from a website and web pages, do not forget All-SERP fast SERP APIs.

All-SERP features

If you want to extract data from search engines then ALL-SERP is the best option you must go for. All-SERP extracts any kind of data that the user asks from 5 search engines including Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Google, and Ask. Amazingly, it is really fast in extracting images; it takes only a few minutes in comparison with a manual search.

 It can extract images, videos, shopping data, prices, locations & maps, advertisements, and so on. The most famous tools of All-SERP are mentioned in the rest of this article.

Google image search API & Google video search API

All-SERP can scrape the Google search engine to mine images and videos in real-time. The extracted images and videos can be used in your websites, applications, and software. All-SERP returns a collection of image and video results that match the query parameters specified in the API request. Through All-SERP Google images search you can extract GIF, PNG, JPEG versions of images. In addition to that, you easily download results from Google image search API in XML, CSV, HTML table, Excel, and JSON as well. It is most flexible to use as both paid and organic results can be excoriated. 

Google local search API

When you search a keyword in Google, the websites that are in your location are shown in a box at the top of SERP. These websites have local data. If the user asks, All-SERP can extract local information.

Google ads search API

All-SERP ads API is the modern programmatic interface to Google Ads. It vastly increases the efficiency of managing websites and apps. Supporting different programming languages, it provides data in HTML, CSV, or JSON formats.

Google knowledge graph search API

The data of companies that are mentioned in knowledge graphs on the right side of Google SERP can be extracted by All-SERP in minutes. Bulk requests are replied to fast and accurately.

Google maps search API

All-SERP extracts the routes and locations of any country and city from Google maps in real-time. This is one of the most used APIs of All-SERP.

Google shopping search API

Through this API the user can extract prices, a list of products and services, and their information in the shortest possible time.

Google SERP position API

If you need to extract the place of websites in the Google search engine, All-SERP can help you. It tells you where a website stands in Google SERP and what it ranks.


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