Home Technology Common Cyber-Attack Type You Should Know About

Common Cyber-Attack Type You Should Know About

types of cyber attacks

A cyber-attack is a kind of an exploitation of computer systems and networks. It makes use of malicious code to modify computer code, logic or data and head to cybercrimes, like that of information and identity theft.

Of course, you are living in a digital era and in this period, most of the people use computer and internet. Due to the heavy dependency on digital things, the illegal computer activity and moves are growing and changing like any kind of crime. You can find different types of cyber attacks that are quite prevalent in the present time. Cyber-attacks can get classified into different categories like:

Web-based threats and attacks

Such are the attacks that take place on a website or web applications. Some of the crucial web-based attacks are like:

Dns spoofing

Dns spoofing is a sort of computer security hacking. In which a data is introduced into a dns resolver’s cache triggering the name server to return a wrong ip address, diverting traffic to the computer  of the attacker or any other computer. The dns spoofing attacks can continue for a long period of time that to in the absence of being detected and can trigger serious security issues.

Injection attacks

This is the attack in which some of the data would be injected into a web application to manipulate and modify the application and fetch the needed information. Some of the  examples of the same can be like sql injection, log injection, code injection, xml injection  and so on.

Hijacking of sessions

This t is a security attack on a user session through a protected network. Web applications form up cookies to store the state and user sessions. By stealing or taking away the cookies, an attacker may get access to all of the user data.


Now, it is something that you may have heard of quite often. Phishing is a sort of attack that attempts to steal sensitive information such as user login credentials and credit card number. It emerges when an attacker is camouflaged as a trustworthy entity in the realm of electronic communication.

Denial of service

This is an attack that is specifically meant to make a server or network resource unavailable or invalid to the users. It accomplishes this by flooding the target with traffic or even sending it information that activates a crash. It makes use of the single system and single internet connection to attack a server. You can classify it into different sections  like: volume-based attacks, protocol attacks, application layer attacks and so on.

Brute force

This is a sort of attack which makes use of a trial and error method. Such an attack produces a large number of guesses and validates them to obtain actual data such as user password and personal identification number. Such an attack may be used by criminals to crack encrypted data, or by even security, analysts to test the security of an organization’s network.


So, you must not take these cyber attacks lightly because they can lead to your doom. Whether personal or professional cyber attacks are dangerous and harming for everyone.


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