Home Business 10 Ways Small Business Owners Can Control Costs

10 Ways Small Business Owners Can Control Costs



Small businesses create most of every nation’s economic growth. There has been an increase in the creation of registered small scale businesses around the world due to the impact of the COVID-19 virus on the world’s economy. This has led to a thriving small scale business climate and many individuals want to enjoy the feeling of being one’s own boss. However, there are some cost control techniques a budding entrepreneur should know.

10 Cost Control Techniques For Small Business Owners

1. Get A Modest Working Space

If you are starting off a new business and you need a workspace, you don’t have to get a big, fancy office. Especially if you are going to start off working alone. Buildings need maintenance, maintenance means bills. Remember, the size of a building determines its maintenance cost.

2. Avoid Flamboyance

One of the biggest problems of small businesses is furnishing and designing work spaces. Furniture costs a lot of money and will need repairs from time to time. To save potential capital, I would advise you to get  cheaper, sturdier  furniture. An office should look professional and comfortable. Flamboyance should not be of interest to a small business owner.

3. Use Cost-effective Marketing

Promotion and advertising is key to the success of every business. Television or radio would naturally be the first choice but the bills these media houses demand aren’t realistic for small businesses. A budding entrepreneur can create eye-catching business cards, sending  them  to  friends  and  family. You can also pay for social media and online ads which are significantly cheaper than traditional media.

4. Spend Frugally On Equipment

To make recording customer information easier and general day to day activities smoother, we need equipment but then, equipment should be bought with a frugal mindset. There is no need to buy equipment that is not absolutely necessary or can be substituted with a cheaper alternative.

5. Restrict Bulk Buying

Restrict bulk buying to a minimum. Every office or business needs some basic supplies like coffee, water, to get by everyday. While buying these things in bulk may save costs, one must monitor these amounts to avoid wastage of otherwise valuable capital. That’s why you need professional accountants.

6. Monetize Your Workspace

As a small business owner, you might have made a mistake of securing a workspace that is surplus to requirements. Don’t worry, you can still sublet it out to other people in need of a small workspace for a fee. Just make sure your rental contract doesn’t disapprove.

7. Purchase Fairly Used Products

If you are looking to cut costs on repairs and purchases, it would be best to buy fairly  used, durable items. They are cheaper compared to new ones whose durability have not been tested.

8. Limit Your Expenditure

As an entrepreneur, you have to limit your expenditure to maximize profits. If you already have workers, try to encourage frugal spending and reward it.

9. Focus

A small business does not need to have multifarious interests. An entrepreneur has to focus all his attention on the primary purpose of his enterprise to achieve fast growth.

10. Work With A Budget

Lastly, the most important thing is to create and stick to a budget. All of the above methods are useless if you don’t stick to a budget.


With an extensive list such as this, every budding entrepreneur or small business owner should be able to cut costs legally, increasing their profit margin to make their work rewarding.


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